We need to change those to fixed supports. Set Boundary Conditions The default boundary condition in the template is simple supports at the bottom.

Menu: File > New model from template Result Note: make sure that proper units are selected (shown in the lower right corner)ģ Since we chose the common floor heights and bay spans, we need to move the grids Menu: Draw > Edit Grids X-grids before and after Before After Z-grids before and after Before After Result:Ĥ 2.

Generate the frame geometry from analysis templates. The frame is solved in the short direction only since this direction is more critical.Ģ Analysis Steps 1. 20' 26' 34' 26' 15' Results of Preliminary Analysis: Slab thickness: 9 in Beam dimensions: 14 x31 Exterior columns: 14 x18 Interior columns: 16 x22 Loads: Exterior beams: Interior beams: LL=0.72 kips/ft DL=1.85 kips/ft LL=0.83 kips/ft DL=2.10 kips/ft Wind and Earthquake loads are specified in the appendix.

Tutorial Session Notes This tutorial provides the basic steps of performing a frame analysis using SAP It is based on the design project example shown below, the complete solution of which is provided as a handout.